Fun photo of the week
We love this shot of aerialist Beatrice Martins just having fun before performing live on WTTG-TV, the FOX affiliate in Washington, DC. Bea (as we call her) and her partner Ebon Greyman were featured during the morning tv segment earlier this week with Zeke and animal trainer Andre McClain. Bea and Ebon are very serious during their act but they both are a lot of fun.
If you are in the DC area you can catch their act today through Sunday or in Baltimore starting Tuesday, June 3 at 7:30pm.
We attended the Saturday, May 31 show at noon. It was great. My two year old was fascinated by the music, lights, animals, etc. Overall, I thought it was wonderful. Some of the performances were more adult themed and could have been more family oriented. Can't the soul train include children? I did think that the lap dance during the part where couples serenade each other was a bit much for the babies. Overall, outstanding and we will be back next year!!!!!
I just went to the June 1st show at the capital plaza in Washington dc, And I had a rocking good time... Its the first time I have ever been to a show like that, so much fun
Great Job this week. It was so much fun to be there. I have a lot of fun every year that I go. And 15 years of fun but a lifetime of memories thank you for the opportunity to watch this show. I will be there next week when we go to see you in Baltimore and the week after that when we go to the one in Norfolk VA. I will there everytime that I can. And hopefully join the family. Thank You so much and keep the laughter, fun, and enjoyment around until I get there. Thank You so much.
This was one of my favorite parts of the show...the "red ribbons." It seemed as if the two performers were flying. If I were that flexible and brave, I'd join you myself. Outstanding performance!! I loved it!! The music selection was perfect!!
i attended the show june 26 and my 17 tenn year old was happy about coming and he thought she didnt want to come because she was to old but i took my 5 year old and she didnt even talk about it as much as my 17 teen year old did.
the show was good last night lil zeek and chucky ducky is funny and them tigers was out of site that was awsome i want to come back to buffalo,newyork next year iight peace
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